Monday, July 11, 2016

Song 3

For song 3 we used “found recording” of classmates and ourselves to create a song. I had recorded some squeaky floorboards and my cat. Others in the class had recorded an air conditioner, walking down the hall, step dancing, a cash register, a friend singing overtones, and many other things. I ended up using both of my recordings, the air conditioner, the voice, a leaf blower, the step dance, and there may be one or two others I am forgetting.

I decided to try out Logic Pro for this song even though I could have chosen to do it in Garage Band. The process was a bit slower for me this time because I have not used Logic before, so I had to figure out where everything was and what does different things. I still haven’t figured all of it out, but I figured out enough to put something together. I used lots of compression, some pitch shifting, different pedals, reverb and various other effects to alter the sounds to be more musical.

I had a lot of fun with this project. The only thing I would have liked is more time to work on it, to make it better.

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