Monday, July 11, 2016

Spring Cleaning

While I was perusing the Yos app I found an article about making “natural cleaning solutions.” (Full Article - 8 Natural Cleaning Solutions) Here are a few recipes that I’m excited to try soon. (Please note that all of these recipes were sourced from a Yos article and are credited to

I am moving into a new house soon and the carpets there smell of smoke, so I am looking forward to trying this Tropical Carpet Deodorizer on them.

1 cup of baking soda

10 drops of organic lemongrass essential oil per cup

10 drops of organic mandarin essential oil per cup

10 drops of organic ginger essential oil per cup

¼ cup organic lavender flowers

Mix together and sprinkle the blend onto your carpet. After allowing it to sit for thirty minutes vacuum and your carpets should be smelling great. The mix is intended to be used immediately after mixing. I’ll let you know how this goes as soon as I try it out.

I also like to clean a whole house before I move in so the next three recipes I look forward to trying out on the kitchen and bathroom surfaces.

Mop-It-Up Formula

16 oz glass bottle

1 cup distilled white vinegar

¼ cup castille soap

20 drops of organic lavender essential oil

20 drops of organic sweet orange essential oil

Mix the solution with 2 gallons of hot water and mop as you would with traditional cleaners. This mix is intended for tile, vinyl and linoleum

Super Surface Spray

16 oz spray bottle

8 oz distilled white vinegar

6 oz water

2 oz vodka or rubbing alcohol

10 drops of organic lavender essential oil

5 drops of organic rosemary essential oil

5 drops of organic lemon essential oil

Combine all ingredients in the spray bottle and shake well. (Shake before each use.) This is a disinfecting spray and is intended for most surfaces. ie. kitchen counters, cabinets, glass, blinds, painted wood surfaces, walls, sinks, tubs, etc.

Herby Soft Scrub

1 pint glass jar

½ cup baking soda

½ cup castille soap

15 drops organic rosemary or tea tree essential oil

1 tsp vegetable glycerin or aloe vera gel

Mix into a paste and use to scrub tubs, sinks and tile surfaces. Rinse with water or a vinegar solution.

Antibacterial Soap Spray

16 oz spray bottle

14 oz water or organic rosemary hydrosol

3 Tbsp castille soap

15 drops of organic tea tree essential oil

15 drops organic oregano essential oil

Mix together in the spray bottle. Spray onto surfaces to be disinfected, like your bathroom surfaces, and wipe away. If the castille soap leaves a residue the Super Surface Spray above can be used to clean that away.

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